Daily program Sunday May 11, 2025
Provisional, as of November 17, 2024

from 7:30 a.m. Festival restaurant open

from 7:30 a.m. start number distribution and license check at the Märwil school building

07:15 a.m. Jury meeting in festival restaurant at start / finish

07:45 a.m. Meeting of women's sports directors

10:30 a.m. Meeting of Sport Directors UCI 1.2 Elite

11:00 a.m. start team presentations UCI 1.2 Elite

11:30 a.m. Reception of the guests of honor at the podium

Announcement of the rankings and prize distribution will take place approximately 1½ hours after the finish of each category in the festival restaurant.

Route Märwil-Mettlen-Rothenhausen-Märwil 10.3 km
08:45women's race FE/FB882.4 km11:10
11:00Team presentation UCI 1.2 Elite
12:30UCI 1.2 Elite15154.5 km16:10

Samstag 10. Mai 2025
Provisional, as of November 17, 2024

ab 12:00 Festwirtschaft in Betrieb

ab 12:00 Startnummernausgabe im Star-/ Zielgelände

12:30 Jurysitzung in Festwirtschaft bei Start und Ziel

18:00 Rennfahrernachtessen in der Festwirtschaft (Anmeldung erfoderlich)

Strecke Märwil-Friltschen-Märwil 2.7 km
13:00 – 18:00Schüler U11 – U15Swiss Road Series